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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.

"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."

From Deep in the Darkness


Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Please help support DEAD SOULS

Hey everyone!

A writer is only as good as his latest sales figures. It's a shame really, as many GREAT writers have stopped writing and publishing because their figures weren't up to their publisher's par. It's like this for everyone in this crazy business. My first book ATMOSPHERE did as well as could be expected for a first book. DEEP IN THE DARKNESS has done great, and continues to sell well. THE DEMONOLOGIST, although faring decent numbers, did not live up to the monster sales of DITD. Now that DEAD SOULS is out, it only stands to reason that I have to make some serious numbers to keep my title of horror author. So far, there's been a nice buzz about the book. I've got a lot of interviews coming up. Frankly, I've been working my butt off to make certain I keep on writing for you--my readers.

Some of you have written asking what you could do to help make DEAD SOULS one of 2007's best selling horror novels. Well...here's a few tips:

If you frequent a particular message board, talk about DEAD SOULS. Start a thread and keep it alive. Include links to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or wherever else the book is sold. And it does not have to be a horror board. I tell my friends on the prog boards I frequent all about DEAD SOULS. As well, blog about the book. Tell others what you think about it. Every bit of exposure counts!

Go to your local bookstore and face-out DEAD SOULS. In other words, turn the books around on the shelf so that the front cover is facing out towards the customer, rather than the spine.

Become a reviewer on the online booksellers. I'm a big believer in the power of Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble.com reviews.

Loan your copy of DEAD SOULS out after you've finished reading it. Two readers for every book sold is golden. You may have just turned on a new fan of my work, who'll go back and pick up something else of mine.

As always, thank you so much for your never-ending support. It means as much to me now as it did with the first book, and I am forever grateful. As long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing.


posted by Mike at 1:45 PM