Hi Everyone,
A few updates this month:
1) I attended the Horrorfind convention last month, and had the luxury of sitting down with Countgore's tombkeeper, Judy Comeau. You can check out the video here:
There's also a couple of new reviews linked there, for both Demonologist, and for Atmosphere.
2) And speaking of interviews, you might want to check out the latest issues of Wicked Karnival Magazine:

And Dark Discovery Magazine:
3) The new issue of the very fine-looking Surreal magazine has a new short story of mine, Keepsakes. Check it out here:

I also have a new short story, "Comforts Of Home", in the new anthology LOST ON THE DARKSIDE, edited by John Pelan:

4) For those of you looking for a great new movie, check out the website for William Miller's first movie, Headspace. Bill's a good friend, and a very talented film maker. The movie stars Sean Young, and by the looks of the trailer, should be a huge success. Check out the website and trailer here:

5) And, finally, my cousins's band, LIFE OF AGONY, have a new CD out, and it is AMAZING. If you like Pearl Jam, or Stone Temple Pilots, you'll love LIFE OF AGONY. The new CD is called BROKEN VALLEY, and I repeat, it is heavy and amazing! Guitarist Joey Z and vocalist Keith Caputo are my loving cousins, and I couldn't be more proud of them! Check out their website here:

That's it for now. Thanks for hanging in there, and I'll see you next month!