It is with great honor for me to announce that my second novel, DEEP IN THE DARKNESS, published by Leisure Books in paperback and Flesh & Blood Press in hardcover, has been nominated for the Bram Stoker Award in the category of 'Novel'. The awards are given out every year, and recognize 'superior achievement' in a number of categories. It goes without mention that the Stoker is the most prestigious of all horror lit awards, with the novel category the most touted. I am still stunned with elation as I write this (and NO, this is no April Fool's joke!), and look down the list of nominees. Here's the list of nominees:
The Wind Caller by P. D Cacek (Leisure)
The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower by Stephen King (Donald Grant/ Scribner)
Deep in the Darkness by Michael Laimo (Leisure/Flesh & Blood Press)
In the Night Room by Peter Straub (Random House)
As you can very well imagine, to be mentioned alongside these amazing other novelists is a dream come true.
Once again, I must thank everyone for their continued support. This has been a crazy ten years, but today makes me realize that it has all been worth it.