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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.
"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."
From Deep in the Darkness

Friday, October 01, 2004
On Friday evening, October 29th, I will be participating in a Halloween book-signing event in Framingham, Massachusetts. The event, which takes place starting at 7:30 PM, will be at the Barnes & Noble Booksellers, One Worcester Road (Route 9), Framingham, MA 01701. I am very honored to be participating in a `Halloween Themed' panel discussion with some of horror's most notable authors:
1)CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN: Chris is the award-winning, L.A. Times bestselling author of such novels as The Ferryman, Strangewood, The Gathering Dark, Of Saints and Shadows, Prowlers, and the Body of Evidence series of teen thrillers, several of which have been listed among the Best Books for Young Readers by the American Library Association and the New York Public Library. Golden has also written or co-written a great many books and comic books related to the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, as well as the script for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer video game for Microsoft Xbox, which he co-wrote with frequent collaborator Tom Sniegoski. His other comic book work includes stories featuring such characters as Batman, Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Crow, and Hellboy, among many others. His website is at http://www.christophergolden.com
2)RICK HAUTALA: Rick has had more than twenty books published. There's the million copy, international best-seller Nightstone, as well as Twilight Time, Little Brothers, Beyond the Shroud, Cold Whisper, and Impulse. He's also written in the neighborhood of fifty short stories, which have appeared in national and international anthologies and magazines. Bedbugs, his first short story collection, was published by CD Publication in 2000 (and selected by Barnes and Noble as one of the distinguished horror books of that year). It will be followed up soon by another collection, Occasional Demons. Most recently, his novel Poltergeist: The Legacy - The Hidden Saint (Berkley/Putnam) was published in November, 1999, and the novel The White Room (Berkley/Putnam) written under the pseudonym A.J. Matthews, was published in June, 2001. He's working on a new novel titled Looking Glass (another A.J. Matthews book), a novella titled Cold River, and (with Christopher Golden), a prequel to the movie Underworld. His website is at http://www.rickhautala.com
3) THOMAS SNIEGOSKI: Tom is a novelist, comic book writer and pop culture journalist. His newest works include the original juvenile fantasy series OutCast and the grown-up fantasy series The Menagerie, both of which are collaborative efforts with Christopher Golden. His other fiction works include a conspiracy thriller called Force Majeure, also with Golden, and his own unique quartet of supernatural teen thrillers called The Fallen. He has written dozens of comics, including Batman Chronicles #22 and Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation and the Hellboy-inspired three issue mini-series, B.P.R.D: The Hollow Earth was co-written with Christopher Golden and Hellboy creator Mike Mignola. Tom has been working in the comic book field for ten years, for companies as diverse as Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, Acclaim, Harris, Crusade, Caliber, Spiderbaby, London Night, and most recently, Cartoon Books. Visit Tom at http://www.sniegoski.com
For more details on the event, please call 508-628-5567. Come by if you are in the area!
On some unrelated news, my novel SLEEPWALKER is scheduled to be released at the end of October in Limited Edition hardcover from DELIRIUM BOOKS. There will be only 250 copies published. All will be signed and numbered. As of now, there are approximately 50 copies remaining. If you have not ordered your copy yet, do so now! Copies are still available through www.delirumbooks.com, www.shocklines.com, and through www.amazon.com. Once these are gone, booksellers will be raising their prices. It's happened with my first collection, which have been going for well over $100 on EBAY.
Remember, THE DEMONOLOGIST, my next novel from Leisure, will be released in MAY 2005. The cover art is being worked on now. I'll make an announcement once that is released.
As well, my next announcement will contain some very big news about my most recently released novel, DEEP IN THE DARKNESS, which, after four months, is still sitting at the number 1 spot on Amazon.com as Leisure Books's bestselling horror title. It's also currently Leisure's #2 overall selling title on Amazon (as of today, out of over 3000 titles!).
That's it for now. Thanks for your continued support!
posted by Mike at 7:12 AM
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