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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.
"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."
From Deep in the Darkness

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Props from the OPIE AND ANTHONY show.
Hey all--I received a note from fellow horror writing enthusiast and friend Paul Legerski saying that yours truly was given some kudos (sort of) on the OPIE AND ANTHONY radio show. Well...it's true! Gregg 'Opie' Hughes and I go way back. we belonged to the same fraternity in college, and even worked a bit in radio together in Geneva NY, back when I aspired to find success in that field. Ultimately I gave up (a year of doing overnights in nowhere, NY at minimum wage ultimately did me in), and returned home. My pal Gregg kept at it, and the rest is history. Hey, if I'd stuck in for the long haul, it might've ended up the Opie and Laimo show, heh heh. Probably not. But what counts is that Gregg and I up until a couple of years ago had kept in touch, and he became a fan of my books. A discussion of horror writers came up, and Opie was nice enough to offer up some kind words about my work. Of course, Anthony (like everyone else on the planet) kidded about my last name. But in the end, it was all good fun, and a thrill to hear my name mentioned on national radio.
Here's a link to the show. The discussion takes place starting around 28 minutes.
posted by Mike at 12:57 PM