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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.
"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."
From Deep in the Darkness

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Fan Mail
Since the release of DEAD SOULS, I've been getting a great many e-mails and letters from fans who read it, loved, and took the time to tell me about it. Every letter has been such a joy for me to read. I put a lot of hard work into DEAD SOULS, and the payoff is your feedback. Thanks so much for all your correspondence.
Recently, a note came in from a reader that was so detailed (and pretty well-written too!), that I had to share. This, my friends, is what it's all about. Pleasing the reader.
Hi Michael,
I could tell that you put lots of sweat into DEAD SOULS. Your hard work really permeated through the pages and I could tell right away that I was not only reading an author that wrote out of enjoyment but that seemed to want to really write for his fans. So thank you for your hard efforts. I reveled in them as much as a pig enjoys rolling in the mud. Thank you for getting me dirty, making me hold my breath, making me sweat, making me cringe, at times, making me laugh and for making me flip the pages in complete awe of your hard work. It seemed like you put just as much effort meticulously plotting out the novel as you did actually writing it.
Sometimes, the effort of plotting with such complex details tends to leave the story a bit forced when put on paper. Not with you though my friend. DEAD SOULS was as free flowing as a breath of fresh air on the first morning of Spring. You designed images one stroke at a time, holding back just enough to keeping my reading engines revving in high octane. However, you still complemented them with enough doses of bloody violence to satisfy the hunger of every horror reader.
I like the way you divided your story into really short chapters. I think it worked well and accented the urgency of the story. The same goes with alternating the time periods in every chapter. Not many stories have pinned me down like it was a 350lb wrestler in quite a while (OFFSEASON by Ketchum was the last one to do it). I have read a few stories where the alternating chapter/character technique was used, but usually there is one lead story and one supporting story. One of the stories is typically much more interesting than the other, where it has me trying to read the duller story crazily to get to the good story (the chocolate filling shall we say?).
With DEAD SOULS, this was far from the case. Both stories were really good and fleshed out. There was plenty of action and I cared about all the characters within both of the stories. The theme of this novel was also a terrifying one for me. I was raised as a Roman Catholic, so the whole premises of the book had me on edge.
Ohhh, and before I forget. There is a technique that you used, that I can't remember being used since I read Edgar A. Poe. Like when you put in a particular word and keep resonating it throughout the novel when you least expect it and under different connotations. I don't want to really mention the words used here in fear of ruining the book, but you know what I am referring to right?
Anyway, really good stuff and your writing really hits a special note with me. You also have a talent for knowing on how to finish chapters smartly. With a clever remark, or left really hanging. Tim Waggoner is really clever at doing this too. I really enjoy that in a book. The finality of chapters just gives me that extra "umpff".Thanks again and please keep them coming.
A proud fan,
Thanks Paulo, for taking the time to write such a great letter.
posted by Mike at 6:00 AM

Monday, March 05, 2007
In support of my new novel DEAD SOULS, I will be speaking/reading/signing at my hometown BARNES & NOBLE on Thursday, April 12th, at 7:30 PM. The event will last about an hour.
Please stop by if you can:
Barnes & Noble Booksellers--Huntington Walt Whitman 380 Walt Whitman Road Huntington Station, NY 11746 631-421-9886
posted by Mike at 6:39 AM
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