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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.
"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."
From Deep in the Darkness

Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Deep In The Darkness is Leisure's Bestselling horror title on Amazon.com
Go to Amazon.com
Click books
Click search
Type in 'Leisure' under the 'publisher' field
Type in 'horror' under the 'subject' field
Go to the drop down menu, and click 'in bestselling order'
All I can say is WOW. DEEP IN THE DARKNESS is Leisure Books's bestselling title on AMAZON.COM. Thank you for making Deep In The Darkness such a success. Of course, that list will change, but it's a thrill to know that the book is doing so well at the moment.
I'm gonna go have a beer.
posted by Mike at 2:04 PM

Monday, July 12, 2004
As I've recently announced, my SF/suspense novel SLEEPWALKER will be released this Fall from Delirium Books in a Limited Edition Hardcover format. Only 250 copies will be printed. I'm very pleased to announce that the cover art is in from the amazingly talented Alan M. Clark. Check it out:
SLEEPWALKER is my biggest novel to date, at nearly 120,000 words. This will be a chunky book, pushing 500 pages. In my opinion, this is my most suspenseful novel to date. I do hope you'll agree!
Preorders for SLEEPWALKER will be announced very shortly. This is expected to sell out very quickly, as there are no plans for a mass-market release anytime soon. Please keep checking back for information on how you can get a copy of this special edition.
posted by Mike at 7:20 AM
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