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"It'd creeped over the far edge of the rock, just a hand at first, long fork-like fingers gripping the dead animal like a doll. Then I saw the head, and it grinned at me, bright golden eyes cutting the darkness like two beacons. It was as though it knew I was there and had waited for the most opportune time to make its grand entrance and scare the piss out of me, which it did, but I hadn't noticed that until later.
"When I finally made it past the dreadful glow of its eyes, the rest of the thing's face came into focus..."
From Deep in the Darkness

Saturday, June 26, 2004
M. NIght Shyamalan's "The Village"
About three months ago, just after the release of Deep In The Darkness", a reader e-mailed me and wrote, "I really enjoyed your book. By the way, have you seen the trailer for the new M. Night Shyamalan movie, 'The Village'? It's a lot like your book." At first, I didn't think much of it, as there were many people writing me, making comparisons of Deep In The Darkness to other books and movies. It's only natural. I do the same thing when watching movies or reading other books.
But then, another e-mail came in making "The Village" comparison. And on its heels, yet another. So, I had to check it out for myself. Well, there does seems to be a general similarity between Deep In The Darkness, and The Village, most notably that both plots tell of a "Village" being held captive by a race of ancient, intelligent creatures living in the woods surrounding them. Hmmm. I have to wonder about this now. While watching the "Village" trailer, I really imagined watching a trailer based on my book, despite the change in the period of time in which the movie takes place.
For those of you who have not seen the trailer, see it here: www.thevillage.movies.com
Now, I did tell myself, that having written Deep In The Darkness in 2001-2002, and with the book being published in February 2004, there is no way Shyamalan could have read it and 'borrorwed' my idea. Of course, it also proves that I didn't do that either. We both probably wrote our stories during the same time period. However...Deep In The Darkness is based on a trilogy of short stories, 11,000 words of fiction that was written and published and reprinted between the years of 1996 through 2001, in a variety of small press publications. Am I saying that Shyamalan grabbed his idea from me? Naw. After all, it's a basic idea. But I wonder...
So, if the basic plot line is the ONLY similarity between the two stories, I'm okay with it. But, if his creatures are anything like mine, especially with glowing eyes, or if his main character is a doctor, or if the creatures use the people in the village to 'better' themselves, then my eyebrows will be raised. There's the similarity of the markings on the trees, that I can tell from the trailer.
I guess I'll have to wait until the fall, when the movoe comes out. In the meantime, people keep e-mailing me about it. We'll see...
On an endnote, I'd like to send a copy of my book to Mr Shyamalan. If anyone has his contact address, please e-mail me at Michael@Laimo.com.
posted by Mike at 3:30 AM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Deep In The Darkness a "Baker's Books Pick"
I've just been informed that Deep In The Darkness has been put in the esteemed spot as a Baker's Books Pick:
It's nice to see that folks outside of the horror community are noticing Deep In The Darkness. Just look at all those literary books.
On another note, there's some very big things happening...more to come soon.
posted by Mike at 7:14 AM

Monday, June 21, 2004
New Novels
Hi all,
Here we go, my first blog entry. I like the idea of being able to update readers with the very latest info regarding all my projects. Many of you have asked, "So, what's next?" With the fact that I actually have a good deal of readers now, the pressure is on to produce work on a regular basis, with, as far as I'm concerned, a greater quality. So, indeed, what's next?
Prior to writing Deep In The Darkness, I wrote a suspense/thriller entitled Sleepwalker. This is, in my opinion, my best work. I am VERY proud of this book. It's a long one, and at 120,000 words, will come in at over 500 pages. This novel, although a 'thriller', contains strong elements of horror (what did you expect from me?) and even some Science Fiction. I think you'll love it!
Now, when is it coming out? Well, the only planned version as of now will be released from Delirium Books as a limited edition hardcover. There will be only 250 copies, all signed and numbered. The expected release date is October. The artwork, being worked on right now by Alan M. Clark (who did the limited edition artwork for Deep In The Darkness), and should be ready by mid July. At this point, presales will be taken for Sleepwalker. Check back here for updates...with only 250 copies, we expect Sleepwalker to sell out pre-publication.
Now, as for the mass market...nothing is set in stone yet, but my latest novel, The Demonologist, is coming along incredibly! If you thought Deep In The Darkness was a scary read, wait until you read The Demonologist! I'm nearing the 75,000 word mark, with perhaps another 10-15k to go. I always edit as I go along, so my first draft is more like a third draft needing one more read through. I started this book back in October, so all in all, I am pleased with the progress, but I always wonder how far along I'd be if I had a bit more time to write! I figure to be done with this in August. This is one helluva scary book, dark, serious, and intense. Think Eyes Wide Shut meets The Exorcist. Although the book has a number of point-of-views, the focus is through the eyes of our main character, a rock star who becomes possessed by The Devil.
That's it for now...my first blog entry. Yay. Check back often for more updates!
posted by Mike at 8:14 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2004

    Well, as you can see, I have a new website. I really do hope you like the look. Kinda familiar, eh? Those golden eyes keep popping up everywhere! Mike Oliveri is the creator (www.mikeoliveri.com). Well, with the addition of this blog, you will find more recent updates, sometimes on a daily basis. I'll pretty much discuss whatever's on my mind, whether it be writing related or not. That said, I must say that this first entry will be on the short side. I'm still thinking back to the Stokers, where I didn't sleep much--what else is new? Yes, I attended the Bram Stoker Awards Ceremony. Lots of my friends walked away with the awards, like Brian Keene, Jack Ketchum, Gary A. Braunbeck, and Mike Arnzen. Peter Straub was also on hand to accept his award for Superior Achievement in a Horror Novel with Lost Boy, Lost Girl. Don D'Auria, my editor at Leisure, gave a perfect speech in his role of Toastmaster. The parties afterwards were great. Hung out with everyone! Made new friends, and had a fantastic time! Anyway....that's all I have energy for right now. Soon I'll be updating the progress of my latest project, THE DEMONOLOGIST. Thanks! And please do let me know what you think of the new website! Michael
posted by Mike at 4:27 AM
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